How Your Utme Score Will Affect Your Admission Into Uniuyo

It’s a popular thing that Uniuyo makes use of Utme score combined with post Utme score to determines students admission into its programmes but it’s not clear to many the formular for the combination. In this post, I will quickly explain how your jamb score can affect your admission into Uniuyo…
Uniuyo makes use of Utme and post Utme scores equally, no one is more used or considered over the other. It’s a 50:50 thing.
Utme score = 50%
Post Utme score = 50%.
UniUYO Post UTME Past Questions And Answers will help you to pass the post utme very well. It is now available and you can get yours by clicking Get Uniuyo Post UTME Past Questions & Answers.
Now, you might want to say but Utme total score is always 400 marks? Yes, I know.
Uniuyo logic is like this; whatever you score over 400 in Utme will be added to your Jamb utme scores. In other words, if you score 200/400 in Utme and 240 in your post utme, your 200 will be added to your post-utme score divided by 2 and that will give 220 marks in Total score which will be used to ascertain your cut-off . This explains why the higher your jamb score the better your chances.
Don’t forget that utme + post utme/ 2= cut-off score.
In summary:
Now I have analysed how the Utme scores are added to the post utme to ascertain your cut-off scores.
To read about how your Uniuyo post Utme & jamb Utme score is calculated together to get your aggregate score which will now determine whether you will gain admission or not, click….>>> How to calculate Uniuyo jambites aggregate scores.
As time goes on I will be sharing more tips about uniuyo admission, in order not to miss out on anything you can click Get uniutyo Free Updates to subscribe for free and like our facebook page here.
This website ( was built for you, we had you in mind and we were so sure there are need for proper guidelines and free education consulting. This site is informative and we update daily. You need us for your Post UTME and Admissions, and we never let you go until you become a father/mother, where your children take over from you ;). So write our website down ( and make it your home. let’s lead you to success!
please bro are we coming to the school for the supplementary or are they going to tell us either we have been admitted or not please I want you to clear me on how it’s going to be.
The list might be published, or you might be asked to confirm your admission by checking at the portal but there is no screening for supplementary admission.
Sir. I thought d postutme had bin cancelled
How do you expect selection of quality candidates?
pls sir i got 194 in my jamb, can i read civil engineering in uniuyo
Pls I am having problems with my registation
some people posted on my page that without money Uniuyo will not give me admission and they always choose small candidate for a year admission want to know tank u
It’s not true.
sir pls how many subjets will i have to write
four subjects
sir pls wot is duration of d p/utme ezam
An hour…Read more here : Uniuyo Post UTME 2016: What Every Candidate Must Know
sir i scored 182 in it possible fr me to still get admission to study civil engineering?
Yes, cut off mark is currently 180
I scored 188 in utme can I studied business administration and can I also gained admission
yes, cut off mark stands at 180 for now
I’ve looked for the post utme past question over here in lagos bookshops but can’t find one…the one on this site is it 100% reliable or can get one direct from the school for me?
Yes, Past questions on this site are verified and authentic
i scored 194 in jamb by Gods grace if am able to score more than 200 in the aptitude test can i get admission in uniuyo to study international studies/history ???
score as high as you can
Get more info here:
Sir,i wrote Maths, English, Account,Economic in my jamb and in d post UME past question no account,so now is it possible for me 2 change the Account 2 government when i buy the post UME form
when is the form comimg out
please sir what is the cutoff mark for accountancy after dividing the jamb post UME and the attitude test
please sir what is the cutoff mark for accountancy
i score 179 in my jamb i want account in uniuyo
Only candidates with utme score of 180 and above are eligible for admission in Uniuyo
plss sir I scored 271 in my jamb n am aspiring for med/sur. can I change my institution to uniuyo?
Scored 206 in my jamb…and I intend qoinq for a mech Engineerinq course in UniUyo…is it possible?
yes, it is
i score 180 in 2016 jamb, please sir do i qualify for uniuyo post utme. i want to study pharmacy, uniuyo is my first choice.
Pls how can I get uniuyo pass question?
Get past questions here:
if you have uniuyo as a second choice option…… are you eligible for admission
I score 213 in jamb wat l score l post utme so dat l cn stand a better chance
Score as high as you possibly can…You are in for a tough competition
Please I scored 188 can I still apply for electrical / electronics engineering?
Yes you can.
pls where can i get a genuine pastquestions that reaches up to year 2015.thanks
pls i score 220 in Jamb. what am i expected to score in postutme to hv admision in Medcine and surgery
I got 197 in jamb,hw ist posible that I wil gain admission 4 medicine and surg into uniuyo.
Sure, But you need to perform better in your post utme…That’s paramount
Get past questions, read text books, revise ahead
men don’t wory, we r going to be there.pls r u sure they do repeat past questions?
when will the registration for post ume ends
Normally 2 weeks after it starts.
Sir i got 191 in jamb can i read architecture in uniuyo ?
Yes, you can. Start prepping for the Post UTME.
I paid for the post utme past questions and sent my details to the number I was asked to send it to. but i’am yet to receive my soft copy. pls help me out.
Sorry about that. I just sent it.
Pls Sir, my name was supposed to be OKENJOM IGUT BEN in my jamb result, but it came out as OKENJOM BEN IGUT. (will this… affect my admission)???
It won’t.
Worst case scenario, you will get an affidavit.