Uniuyo Faculty of Science

uniuyo science

The Faculty made it a deliberate policy to attain and maintain a very high academic standard. It aim to position itself, as a global and national Faculty in the University by maintaining high quality standard in terms of innovation and entrepreneurial education. The faculty comprises of eight departments that are invariably relevant to nation building and constitute a major part of the science world.
The Faculty of Science was established in 1983 at the inception of the University of Cross River State which later metamorphosed into the University of Uyo in 1991. There are presently 7 departments in the Faculty. All the departments award B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in the various programmes.
The World Journal of Applied Science and Technology (WOJAST) is an online/printed (ISSN 21413290) Peer-reviewed Journal published biannually (June and December) by the Faculty of Science, University of Uyo, Nigeria. The Journal publishes research papers in the field of Pure, Applied Science and Technology related subjects. For related graduate programs you can visit https://cogsci.ucmerced.edu.

Academic Programmes Offered In Uniuyo Faculty of Science
(B. Sc) – Botany & Ecological Studies, Chemistry, Microbiology, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, Zoology.

Uniuyo Faculty of Science Dean’s Profile
Prof. A. Y. Itah
B.Sc. (Hons); Ph.D (Unical)
Environmental/Public Health Microbiology
My research interest is in the area of Environmental Pollution, the Role of microorganisms in Biodegradation of Pollutants and genetic engineering for enhanced crude oil degradation. I have acquired experiences over the years through consultancy services in Mobil Producing Nigeria Unltd (MPNU), Shell Petroleum Development Corporation of Nigeria (SPDC), Aluminium Smelter Company of Nigeria Ltd (ALSCON), Network Exploration and Production Company Ltd, (NEPC) and Uniuyo Consult where I have been involved in the microbiological aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and petroleum hydrocarbon pollution studies.
Medical/Public Health Microbiology
My publications in Medical/Public Health Microbiology cut across Epidemiology, Infection and Disease Control as well as aspect of Pharmaceutical Microbiology. Sourcing for new antibiotics to cope with emergence of multiple antibiotics resistant strains of microorganisms.


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