How To Score 300 And Above In Post UTME Examination

How To Score 300 And Above In Post UTME Examination
How To Score 300 And Above In Post UTME Examination

How can you score a very high marks in your post-UTME examination? Is that very possible in today’s examination? The solution to these answers will be stated in this article. Getting admission into higher institutions can be challenging this days as almost all Nigerian university implement post utme entrance examination to select candidates for their provisional admission.

Most student have some difficulties in getting high scores in post utme examination,certainly it cannot get them admission into their preferred course of study. Some other students supplement to other undesirable courses or institutions.

Presently, there are lot of post secondary students roaming around the country without opportunity for further studies as a result of inability to gain admission into post utme admission into higher institution.

The uniuyoinfo team,due to our passion for making examinations a stress-free activity for aspirants, decides to offer practical and proven methods to assists ambitious students who wants to score high in their post utme examinations.

Below are tips to boost your preparatory skills as well as what as what to do in the examination hall. These tips can guarantee your 300+ scores in your post utme examination.

Before The Exams
Understand The Exam Type: Before you can pass any post utme exam, you will have to understand the nature of the examination. Ask these vital questions before the exams; is the exams computer-based? Or is it paper and pencil test? How are they setting the question? How many questions am i expected to solve or answer? What type of questions am i expecting? Is it essay type questions? Is it multiple choice? This information will enable you to know how to prepare better for the upcoming examination.

Past Questions: Getting past questions for the previous years was an herculean task. These past questions will not only give you an insight on the pattern of the examination but will help you brainstorm while practicing it and predict the possible questions you are expecting. If you don’t have any, click here and start practicing It.

Read Consistently: Of course you chose the path to study, so reading should be more than just a hobby to you. Imbibe the culture of  frequent reading. Read well and widely. The secret of 300+ in post utme exams lies in persistent reading. Having fulfilling the aspect of exam patterns, set up a time-table and follow it regularly. your goal is to achieve admission, so prioritize till You reach that goal.

Extramural Classes: This has proven to be a very effective means of scoring over 300.

On The Exam Day!
Arrive at the Exam Venues Early: No matter how you prepared for the exams, it will become an absolute waste of energy if you arrive at the exam venue late. Arriving at the exam venue will give you the opportunity to be adapted to the environment, for instance you are coming from a far place to your exam, you will also have the opportunity to be part of the orientation talk on the exams. If you are in another state, far away from the University’s location. It is advisable to travel a day before the examination.

Bring required exam materials: Make sure you go to the exam hall with all the required materials and avoid going with extraneous material that can implicate you.

In The Exam Hall
Your conduct during the exam will be play a vital role on your expected results. Below are basic tips:

  1. Pay absolute attention to the to the instruction ; every do and don’t should be noted and followed to the latter. And make sure you ask questions when you are not clear.
  2. Believe in yourself and your abilities.
  3. Check the time allotted for the examination and compare it with the number of questions given. This will give you insight on how much time to spend per question.
  4. You have to apply whatever you have read before the examination. Scan through the options before reading each questions. Read every question slowly and attempt to answer it . If you cannot, do not spend much time on it, leave and head to the next one
  5. Timing is paramount. If you are answering 100 questions in an hour, you should calculate that. There are 60 minutes in an hour to answer a hundred questions. That means i have 0.6 minutes to answer a question. Easy! so if you cannot deal with an answer leave it then revisit it when you are free with others.
  6. Make sure you shade correctly with an HB pencil.
  7. Submit immediately when asked to.

With this you can be rest assured of  a High score in your examination. These methods have been tested and proven to work well if you apply them judiciously. Question, comment  or contribution use the comment box below.


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